Please be aware that this page covers the original LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game, it is not correct for LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga.
Episode III
Chapter 1
The Republic is crumbling under a Separatist assault led by Count Dooku and General Grievous. In a stunning move, Separatist forces have swept into Coruscant and kidnapped Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.
As the Droid Army attempts to flee with their hostage, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker lead a desperate mission to rescue the Chancellor...
Story Mode |
20,000 |
We kick off Episode III with a vehicle chapter, this time you're Obi-Wan flying through a battle in his red Jedi Starfighter, player two gets to be Anakin in his yellow one. As with previous vehicle levels if either one of you dies then you both get reset to the last checkpoint.
For most of the level you can simply sit back and just occasionally avoid obstacles, there are however a few parts where you must blow up a barrier in order to continue. The enemies do give you studs and hearts so you'll want to shoot as many as you can if you're going for True Jedi or are getting a bit low on health.
Minikit 1/10

As you start going down after the first row of four turrets. You can either shoot or fly straight into the Minikits to collect them.
Minikit 2/10

On the edge of the next Star Destroyer as you start to pull up, just before you see the red circles ahead.
As you approach the large ship with five red circles on the side make sure to shoot all five red circles in order to get through safely. Make sure not to leave the ones on the edge too long as you'll get too close to hit them.
Minikit 6/10

You'll swoop in around another ship, you can see the Minikit on the left side as you pass its tower.
A little while after the sixth Minikit you'll see some red circles on a control tower, shoot the two of them to get past it.
After swooping underneath a ship with some turrets on you'll approach a docking bay that's closed, shoot the red circles on either side of it to open it up.
Minikit 9/10

AFter swooping past another friendly destroyer you'll head towards one of the enemy destroyers, the Minikit is in front of that.
This final approach is quite dangerous, try to avoid the lines of blaster fire as you keep shooting the whole way in. As you get close make sure to shoot the red dots on either side of the forcefield or you'll just splat against it.
Drop Ship

Entering the hangar will complete the level.
Chapter 2
High above the planet Coruscant, a deadly battle rages between Separatist forces and the Army of the Republic.
On the Separatist flagship, Count Dooku and General Grievous hold Chancellor Palpatine captive. Crashing their Jedi Starfighters into the main hangar, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker are surrounded by hostile droid forces...
Story Mode | Free Play |
30,560 | 43,550 |
Starting immediately after the end of the previous level we play as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker again.
Minikit 1/10
Requires: Blaster Story Mode: No
In the corner on the right is a grapple point you can use to get up onto the ledge above the door where the Minikit is hiding.
Advance forwards to try to follow General Grievous, instead you'll fight a group of six battle droids. After wiping them out use the Force to blow up the door.
Walk towards the screen out take out the four droids that attack.
Minikit 2/10
Requires: Blaster Story Mode: No
Just before you drop down use the Grapple point on the right.
Jump down and fight some more droids, including a couple of those silver Super Battle Droids. Go to the right and use the Force to create a couple of platforms so that you can get up the tube. One or two more droids are waiting at the top, destroy them and then use the Force to open one of the yellow panels so you can get past.
After getting rid of the Droidekas and the large group of Battle Droids you'll be joined by R2-D2 (don't go back for that panel you saw earlier, it's just a shortcut in Free Play).
Minikit 4/10
Requires: Protocol Droid Story Mode: No
Use a Protocol Droid on the door to the right of the door R2-D2 came out of.
Use R2-D2 on the door at the right-hand end and then use the Force to move the object inside to down the hall, then use it again to blow it up (stand back!). Go up the ramp it creates.
You'll be immediately under attack from both sides, reflect their blasts back at them to take them out.
Go to where the right-hand Battle Droid was standing and use the Force to assemble a platform.
Minikit 6/10
Requires: Hatch Access Story Mode: No
Down to the right of the assembled platform is a hatch for a small character to crawl through, it'll take you to get the Minikit you may have spotted as you entered the area.
Jump up the platform you assembled and Force flip the switch to turn on all of the fans, including one to the right that functions as an elevator to the top. Switch to R2-D2 and step in, disable the Droideka and open the panel, switch back to destroy the Droideka and go through.
Time for another fight with Count Dooku. You might want to get rid of all of the enemy droids in the room before you start fighting him properly though. When you do, ground slam him for the first heart, then for the second heart attack until you see a red glow appear around your character, switch to your other one and swipe at Dooku. He'll jump away. Repeat that again with the ground pound and then red glow switch on the balcony and then all over again back on the floor to finish the fight.
Go upstairs through the door that has opened.
Minikit 7/10
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
Approach the door on the right that does not have a droid panel.
Walk straight through the door on the far side and then immediately start running towards the screen to avoid getting hit by the moving panel. Follow the studs for the best path avoiding all the holes. At the end you can use R2-D2 to reset the panel if you want to backtrack. Go through the doorway.
Walk over the dip and go around the corner, use the Force on the third yellow wheel to turn off the steam in order to get past. For the second set of steam use R2-D2 to go through and use the astromech panel on the other side. Force down a panel to form a ramp for the droid.
Minikit 8/10
Requires: The Force Story Mode: Yes
Use the Force on a yellow wheel to blow up an orange container to reveal the Minikit behind it.
Have R2-D2 open the last door.
You can defeat these new droids by doing ground pound attacks over and over until they fall apart (they take one more hit after their heads fall off). Walk forwards and a whole load of Battle Droids will appear when you enter the bridge area.
Have the two Jedi Force Pull the two levers at the front to complete the chapter.
Emergency Ship

You'll unlock the Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III) and Anakin Skywalker (Jedi) alternates as well as Chancellor Palpatine who is fairly unique in having no abilities beyond jumping.
Cost | Character | |
45,000 | Count Dooku | |
30,000 | Grievous' Bodyguard |
Chapter 3
Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker have saved Chancellor Palpatine. But his captor, General Grievous, has escaped.
The Jedi Council assigns Obi-Wan Kenobi the task of hunting down Grievous, who is hiding on the sinkhole world of Utapau...
Story Mode | Free Play |
4,000 | 6,810 |
Time to take on General Grievous directly, the level takes place on Utapau with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody.
Attack Grievous with a ground slam and he'll jump away over a large gap - to hit him now switch to the Clone Trooper and shoot the explosive objects that Grievous is standing next to. Switch back to Obi-Wan and perform a couple more ground slams on the General so that he jumps off up the cliffs.
Minikit 1/10
Requires: Astromech Story Mode: No
To the left of where General Grievous first leapt to is a structure that you can use an Astromech Droid to hover over to from the main circle, the Minikit is right there.
Minikit 2/10
Requires: Astromech, Jump Story Mode: No
Behind the first Minikit, hover over the gap and then jump up the ledge to reach it.
To follow General Grievous you should first use the Force on the bricks that are scattered on the circle to form a bridge.
Minikit 3/10
Requires: The Force, Double Jump Story Mode: Yes
On the other side of the bridge jump up the back and use the Force on the bricks to form three platforms. You can jump on them to reach the Minikit above.
Minikit 4/10
Requires: The Force, High Jump Story Mode: No
It's in the air directly above #3 but you'll need a High Jumper to reach it.
Jump up to the right to just below General Grievous, use the Force to move the bricks into a small platform. Stand on the platform with the Clone Trooper and then jump and shoot at the object next to Grievous so it explodes causing him to jump back to the starting circle.
Use the Force to create some platforms to get up to where Grievous was, smash the LEGO wall at the back and use the Force to move the mine. Shoot it.
Minikit 5/10
Requires: Astromech Story Mode: No
Astromech Droid hover over to the Minikit where you just blew up that mine.
Minikit 7/10
Requires: Astromech, The Force Story Mode: No
Over the bridge to the right is a room full of landmines, carefully walk through the room to the middle where you can use the Force on a lever. Repeat for all four levers around the centre to open the tube to release the Minikit.
The mines in here drop a bunch of studs so it is a good idea to set them all off, you can either do that without any care and just pick up the studs you drop or you can do a very quick circle back as you try to get close, if you're lucky you'll be able to avoid the explosion.
Minikit 8/10
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
Once back over the bridge drop off the left side to a grapple point below and this Minikit.
Minikit 9/10
Requires: Blaster, Double Jump Story Mode: Yes
Grapple up and have the Clone Trooper shoot the LEGO wall that was beneath where General Grievous was standing earlier to reveal the Minikit within. You can also slam down with a lightsaber above it.
Minikit 10/10
Requires: Jump Story Mode: Yes
Jump down to the left from the cave with Minikit #9 in. You can also just jump to this spot from the main circle right from the start.
Jump back to the starting area and start ground slamming General Grievous a few more times, at two hearts he'll jump away and then, provided you blew up that mine, immediately jump back. If you didn't then go do that. Either way once he's back just hit him the same way a couple more times to finish the level.
Jedi Starfighter (Episode III)

As you should expect by now completing the level will unlock the new character you played as, Commander Cody, and also unlocks General Grievous for purchase back at Dexter's Diner, he's quite expensive though!
Cost | Character | |
200,000 | General Grievous |
Chapter 4
Obi-Wan Kenobi has taken care of General Grievous, but the Clone Wars continue. Across the galaxy, Jedi Knights lead the Army of the Republic into battle against Separatist forces.
Jedi Master Yoda fights on the Wookiee planet of Kashyyyk. But the Sith Lord Darth Sidious is about to reveal himself, and draw a new darkness over the galaxy...
Story Mode | Free Play |
45,380 | 60,080 |
This level begins with Yoda and Chewbacca on Kashyyyk, this level is very tight for getting the True Jedi status so make sure to smash every single thing you can find and try not to die too often.
Have Yoda use the Force to activate the two panels next to the bridge to lower it so that you can cross.
Minikit 1/10
Requires: The Force Story Mode: Yes
Take the first right and destroy the pipes on the brown object before using the Force to move the central part to reveal the Minikit.
Cross back over the bridge and continue to where all the Clone Troopers are waiting for Order 66. After taking them all out use the Force to repair the panels and then activate them to lower the next bridge.
Down the ramp you'll fight a few more Clone Troopers. Have Chewbacca grapple up to the platforms above, jump left and grapple over to where you'll find the first of three Wookiees to free from some Clone Troopers.
Minikit 2/10
Requires: Astromech, Grapple, High Jump Story Mode: No
Astromech droid float around the tree going to the left to land on a platform, keep going around to the left then high jump up to the Minikit.
Jump back down and go across the bridge to the right.
Take the right-hand path and use the Force to create a grapple point above, grapple up to free the second Wookiee. And back and along the forward path is the third Wookiee. Down the bridge to the left you'll find the three freed Wookiees each standing patiently on a button, stand on the other two buttons to lower the bridge.
Jump off the log you start on and begin crossing the beach, you can mostly ignore the Clone Troopers, Battle Droids and AT-RTs running over it.
Minikit 4/10
Requires: The Force, Double Jump Story Mode: Yes
Along the beach there are groups of plants you can use the Force on, three of those plants are carrots and once you pull all three of them a Minikit will appear on a rock near the beginning of the area which Yoda can jump up onto from the back left side.
The carrots are in the first set of plants next to the starting log, in the plants to the left of the High Jump platform halfway along the beach, and in the group of plants at the very end. The hardest to get will be the middle one as there are plenty of troops passing by that'll interrupt, stand behind the rock to try to avoid getting hit by the AT-RT that keeps reappearing.
Minikit 5/10
Requires: High Jump, Astromech Story Mode: No
Halfway along the beach is a platform you can high jump up to, from there high jump up to the right and then Astromech hover further to the right.
At the far end of the beach you'll find a smashed up Tank Droid, use the Force to create a bridge on the platforms above. And inbetween some rocks on the left use the Force on the plants beneath a grapple to reveal the grapple point. Grapple up and shoot the two targets to open the gate.
Minikit 6/10
Requires: Grapple, Blaster Story Mode: Yes
At the right end of the bridge in front of the gate.
After you go through the gate you'll meet a large group of Battle Droids, you can attack them but more will keep arriving until you take out the two up on the walls at the back. To shoot them you stand on the two stone squares in the water and then jump and shoot (or you can just jump up to them with Yoda).
Minikit 7/10
Requires: The Force, High Jump Story Mode: No
Use the Force to temporarily raise an ARC Fighter out of the water and then have a character high jump off it to the Minikit in the air above.
There's a path on the far side of the area to walk through between where the two Droids were standing. Take out the Droids and Clones and then follow the path around to the left.
Minikit 8/10
Requires: Dark Side Force, Grapple, Astromech Story Mode:
Use the Dark Force on a black bush on the left side underneath where a couple of Clone Troopers dropped down from above. That will reveal a grapple for you to use, once up then Astromech hover over to the Minikit.
Further along you'll encounter an AT-RT at the bottom of a slope with rock balls rolling down it. Destroy it and then use the Force on the plants on the left of it to create a couple of platforms for the Wookiees to follow. Go up the slope smashing the balls as you go.
At the top of the slope use the Force to create a couple of platforms to get up to the two buttons that open the gate. Shoot the AT-RT in the distance and take out a group of clones and droids that run in. Take the path as it goes to the left to a circle with four lights around it.
Shoot the lights so they turn on then smash the lights so an object pops up out of the ground.
Use the Force on the pod to finish the chapter and unlock Chewbacca and that generic Wookiee.
Wookiee Cat

You also gain access to several types of Clone Trooper in Dexter's Diner.
Cost | Character | |
600 | Clone (Episode III) | |
700 | Clone (Episode III, Pilot) | |
800 | Clone (Episode III, Swamp) | |
2,500 | Clone (Episode III, Walker) |
Chapter 5
Palpatine has issued Order 66, turning the Clone Army against the Jedi. Across the galaxy, clones have gunned down their Jedi generals.
Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi have survived, and head for the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. They hope to find some answers to this shocking turn of events within the Jedi Archives...
Story Mode | Free Play |
27,200 | 53,850 |
Arriving at the Jedi Temple are Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda.
Minikit 1/10
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
Behind the large pillars at the back towards the left end.
Those Clones make terrible Jedi, the Disguised Clones (something that was cut from the movie) will attack you as you get near them so take them out and continue to the right until you meet a second group of them.
Minikit 2/10
Requires: The Force, High Jump Story Mode: No
Near the second group of enemies are some LEGO blocks on the edge that you can use the Force on to create a stack of three platforms. Use them to High Jump up to a Minikit.
Minikit 3/10
Requires: Grapple, Double Jump Story Mode: No
Past the steps there are a few round objects you can smash, one near the wall has a grapple point underneath it. Walk over to above the large doors and smash through the window.
Use the Force on the large doors to get inside.
Defeat a trio of Clones at the far end and then use the Force on the column on the left to form some stairs. To the left is a large sphere that you can use the Force on to move to get some studs, but watch out for the tiny training remotes that pop out and start shooting you as you begin to move it. Go up the steps and defeat the lone Clone.
Minikit 4/10
Requires: Jump Story Mode: Yes
Go through the doorway up here and into a room full of pizza eating clones, the Minikit is at the back.
Go back outside and continue to the right where you'll drop down. Defeat a few more clones that come up some stairs. If you have both characters use the Force on the large sphere to fix it you can then smash it for some studs.
Minikit 5/10
Requires: Jump or Hover Story Mode: Yes
Go down the steps towards the screen and to the left of the door that you end up facing you'll find a Minikit floating in the air off the edge. The safest way to get it is of course with an Astromech Droid but you can just jump to your death to get it if you like.
Minikit 6/10
Requires: The Force, Double Jump Story Mode: Yes
If you go through the doorway here you'll find that it leads to the Jedi Council room, defeat a few clone troopers in here then stack up the five chairs in order to reach the minikit in the air.
I'd say that the best order to stack them in so that you can jump up them is to do it from right to left.
Go back up the steps and go to the right, use the Force on the two columns to reveal a couple of gears. Have both characters use the Force on the gears to open the large door.
Advance forwards through the archives defeating the Clone Troopers as they appear, at the far end the room opens out. Go to the right into the first alcove and use the Force on the platforms to pull them out. Quickly jump up them and use the lever at the top to activate the first portion.
Minikit 7/10
Requires: The Force, High Jump Story Mode: No
High jump to the Minikit above the lever.
The next alcove to the left is similar except there's a barrier in front of the lever, pull out another platform to reach the button above to open that barrier. The third one is the same as the first with a few more platforms.
Minikit 8/10
Requires: Double Jump, The Force Story Mode: Yes
Above the third lever, you can use some pull out platforms to reach it.
Minikit 9/10
Requires: High Jump, Protocol Droid Story Mode: No
High Jump onto the round platform that has moved into position in the central area near the third lever and then jump over to the ledges to the left. Go all the way around and then jump over the barrier in the alcove to get the Minikit back there. Use a Protocol Droid to get out.
Minikit 10/10
Requires: Protocol Droid, High Jump, The Force Story Mode: No
Use a Protocol Droid to open the barriers and then use the Force to get up the alcoves. The first one needs a High Jump to reach the lever. The second one you can use a grapple instead of pulling out the platforms, but you still then need a High Jump to reach the button on the top to get to the lever. The third lever is the same as the first one, a simple High Jump off the Force platforms.
Once all are activated go back up onto the ledges above the exit in the middle and use the newly moved circle platform to reach the Minikit in the air with a High Jump.
Go through the door that opened in the middle. Defeat the Clone Troopers that pop out from the left. Once they're all clear use the Force on the computer to your right to finish the chapter.
ARC Fighter

Even though he didn't make an appearance in the level at all, at Dexter's Diner you can now purchase an Episode III version of Mace Windu and a Disguised Clone.
Cost | Character | |
30,000 | Mace Windu (Episode III) | |
2,750 | Disguised Clone |
Chapter 6
Anakin Skywalker, once the young Podracing champion of Tatooine, Padawan to Obi-Wan Kenobi and hero of the Clone Wars, has finally given in to his secret emotions and fallen to the Dark Side.
His wife Padmé rushes to the volcanic world of Mustafar, hoping to turn Anakin back from his dark path. She has no ideas that Anakin's former master Obi-Wan is hiding aboard her ship...
Story Mode | Free Play |
14,000 | 18,000 |
No time to dawdle, the floor is collapsing! Start running towards the screen straight away!
In the next room you'll see a countdown timer appear, to extend it use the Force to pick up and reassemble the columns.
Minikit 3/10
Requires: Blaster or Lightsaber Story Mode: Yes
Behind a smashable door at the back left of the room, you can see it behind some glass.
Minikit 4/10
Requires: The Force Story Mode: Yes
Use the Force on some levers on a panel at the back left of the room, just in front of #3.
Minikit 5/10
Requires: Astromech Story Mode: No
Use an Astromech Droid on the panel on the left side of the room.
Minikit 5/10 - Red Brick (Dark Side)
Use the Force to pick up the four pylons blocking the door on the right side of the room, once they've been moved you can use the Force to open it and get outside.
Wait for Anakin to smash open some buttons and stand on one of them then stand on the spare one yourself.
Minikit 7/10
Requires: Jump Story Mode: Yes
Behind the panel that lowers after pressing the buttons.
Cross over the panel and keep going to the right using the Force with your partner to turn a yellow wheel to switch off some steam, pick up a red thing and then turn a large blue thing. Go right and you'll end up down on the lava.
Minikit 8/10
Requires: Double Jump Story Mode: Yes
To the right as you get onto the mini platforms in the lava.
Go to the left along the mini platforms.
Make your way to the large structure in the lava and jump up it as it topples over, making sure to jump to land before it fully sinks in.
Minikit 10/10
Requires: Astromech Story Mode: No
Astromech hover to the right to reach the Minikit out there. There's no way to get back in time though so just jump in the lava afterwards.
Time to fight Anakin (or Obi-Wan, depends who you're currently playing as (you can still switch)), for this boss fight while you get a lot of bonus health you also have to completely start the fight over if you die rather than just reappearing and carrying on with a few less studs. Performing leap attacks will do damage but it also leaves you open to attack, this fight is fairly easy to win as Obi-Wan (harder as Anakin) it's just really hard to do without taking any damage at all.
To win just keep jumping and attacking towards your opponent, try to avoid doing the double jump slam attack though as you waste a bit too much time getting back on your feet. It's a lot harder to win with this method playing as Anakin as his leap attack is less effective. If you do switch do it at the start of the fight as while the boss fight hearts get reset to full yours stay exactly how they were so decide who you want to be and stick to it.
In co-op either player can win this fight but falling into the lava will restart it so be careful not to do that (although it is a great way to avoid losing to your co-op partner).
An interesting (but cheap) way to win is to get the "Anakin wins" cutscene in single player by dying while performing a ground slam attack. That means you can win the fight by only attacking once, just let Anakin (or Obi-Wan) take off all of your health except for one heart and then perform the double jump ground slam attack. You can also get the Anakin wins cutscene in single player by legitimately defeating him but having his last heart taken off by knocking him into lava.
V Wing

Once you've defeated Anakin (or Obi-Wan) that's it, Episode III is complete. If you've completed Episode I, II, and III then you'll now be able to purchase Darth Sidious at Dexter's Diner.
Cost | Character | |
150,000 | Darth Sidious |
In order to open the mystery area of Dexter's Diner you will need to get all 17 parts of the Superkit, which means you need to earn True Jedi in all seventeen levels.
To check if you've earned True Jedi in a level you have to approach each individual chapter's door and you'll see at the bottom of the screen how many Minikits you've got and if you've earned True Jedi you'll see the flashing studs, if you haven't it'll only tell you of the Minikits.
The Invincibility extra is very helpful in earning True Jedi in some levels as you'll no longer lose studs when you die as you won't die. It just costs a lot.
Episode IV
It is a period of civil war. Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Galactic Empire.
Princess Leia Organa now has the blueprints for the Empire's new weapon, the Death Star. But her ship is intercepted and boarded by Darth Vader and his stormtroopers...
Now that you've unlocked the level by earning all 17 True Jedi statuses your rewards is a a traipse through a ship killing Rebel scum. There are no Minikits to collect or True Jedi status to earn in this level but it is quite a nice place to earn lots of studs.
Straight on through the first group of enemies and you'll approach a protocol droid door, you can't go through it so head to the right. At the end you'll enter a room with a load of coloured boxes on the floor, the task in here is to assemble them using the Force to form letters. Yellow should be an L, Blue should be an E, Green should be a G, and Red and O. LEGO! The room will be showered with blue studs so quickly run around and try to get as many as you can before the blink out of existence.
Back out in the corridor take the path to the left of the Protocol Droid panel. The room at the end has a certain Protocol Droid trapped in a tube, to free him smash all eight domes and then press all eight buttons in quick succession (start middle left and go anti-clockwise). Once you have control of C-3PO walk back out and open up that panel.
Defeat a few more Rebels and open up another protocol droid door. Another junction. Take the left path first. The room at the end has loads of pieces scattered around, use the Force to pick them up and build a fan in the middle of the room, use the Force on it to get it spinning which will activate the fans in the four corners of the room. You can use them to get a few studs.
Go back out and take the corridor leading to the right, defeat a last pair of Rebel Troopers and at the end smash a couple of canisters to reveal a Protocol Droid panel, go through to finish the game.
Rebel Blockade Runner

Completing it will unlock a Darth Vader variant of Anakin Skywalker and a Stormtrooper as well as add a couple of rebels to the store.
Cost | Character | |
1,000 | Rebel Trooper | |
50,000 | Princess Leia |