Hero Episode 2. Power Crazed Penguin
Chapter 1. There She Goes Again
Story Mode | Free Play |
110,000 | 190,000 |
Head to the right where you'll encounter your first batch of Penguin Goons and Henchmen. After taking them out go down the alleyway and smash the glowing barrels to get the parts for a Magnet Suit Swapper.
Minikit 1/10
Requires: Demolition Suit, Water Suit Story Mode: No
At the far right end of the area near the water you can see some Silver LEGO barrels behind a fence. Blow them up and assemble a phonebooth out of the parts. Smash that to reveal a lever that you can pull to activate a Minikit under the water nearby.
Minikit 2/10
Requires: Demolition Suit, Strength Story Mode: No
Blow up the Silver LEGO mooring points along the water's edge to find three carrots. The first one is across from the Suit Swapper alley. The second one is next to the toxic waste. The third one is in the alleyway opposite the second one, you'll need to use a strong character to move the dumpster and then plant the seeds.
Minikit 3/10
Requires: Hazard Protection, Water Suit Story Mode: No
In the toxic waste near the water's edge are some bricks you can build to fix the pump. Pull the lever next to it to open a door underwater.
Minikit 4/10
Requires: Strength Story Mode: No
At the far left end of the area smash the objects in front of the garage door in order to get the parts to build a spinner switch. Rotate the garage door open and build the little vehicle from inside. Drive that over to the alleyway where the Robin Suit Swapper is found. Pull the dumpster out of the way and drive the little car into the garage behind it.
Minikit 5/10
Requires: Magnet Suit, Grapple, Seduction Story Mode: No
In the alley with the third carrot is a metal surface that Robin can walk up in his Magnet Suit. Shimmy around the corner and smash through the wooden planks and the window to get inside. From inside go to the right and smash out of the second window to get out onto a fire escape with a couple of smashable bins. Build a grapple point from those bins.
At the top jump off the grapple to the right and seduce the guard to be let into the door to his right. Climb up the ladder to reach the Minikit in the room with the flowers.
As Robin walk up the metal wall at the righthand end of the area to reach a lever, pulling that will let Batman up. Climb up the ladder and use the rope to cross over to the balcony to the left. From there grapple up at the window to a lone badguy at the top who is standing next to some LEGO that you can build into another tightrope.
Assemble the ladder at the top of the fire escape to leave the area.
Defeat a few Penguin Goons on the rooftop before climbing a short ladder to reach a grapple point that will take you up to a Glide Suit Swapper for Batman. Jump down and glide over the gap to the right, you'll be able to immediately build a bridge for Robin to follow.
Minikit 6/10
Requires: Strength, Grapple Story Mode: No
Use strength to move the dumpster on the other side out of the way so you can grapple upwards. Smash through the window and defeat the goons inside to reveal the Minikit.
Minikit 7/10
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
Jump down towards the screen where there's a ladder and a bunch more goons to defeat. They're standing next to some glass flowerbeds you can smash and then plant all the seeds. Once all the seeds are planted the little door at the back will open, get onto the lawnmower and mow down all the flowers to get your Minikit.
At the end of a short bridge to the right is some more metal for Robin to walk on and up to the top where he can build a grapple point for Batman to also get up. You'll need him to glide over to the crane on the right, jumping down to the spinner to push the crane around. Switch back to Robin and Magnet Suit walk along the underside of the crane.
Time for a quick fight with Catwoman, she's only got four hearts and all you need to do is punch her a few times and she'll run away.
Minikit 8/10
Requires: Strength, Demolition Suit, High Jump Story Mode: No
Pull on the orange handle of the dumpster to move it out of the way to reveal a dark passageway. Switch to the Demolition Suit and walk inside and to the left to plant a bomb underneath the fan. Blow it up and then high jump to grab the Minikit under the water tower.
Glide over to the next building and, after defeating a few more goons, build a tightrope for Robin to get across. Don't immediately switch to the Technology Suit.
Hostage 5/25
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
If you jump down where there's a yellow bar on the right you can save a hostage from three Penguin goons.
While still wearing the Magnet Suit walk up the metal next to the green gas and pull the lever at the top to release the ladder. Now you can jump down and get into the Technology Suit. Also have Batman climb the ladder to get into his Demolition Suit.
Jump to the rooftop on the right, sliding down the glass to where you will need to blow up some Silver LEGO canisters. Build the little remote control car and then use Robin's Technology Suit to use the panel next to the entrance to the glass flower room. Drive onto the two red buttons to turn them green.
Blow up the canisters that have appeared and build yourself a helicopter.
Minikit 9/10
Requires: Sonic Suit Story Mode: No
Use the helicopter to get up onto the very top of the current building, just to the left of the sloped glass part. Up there you'll find some glass you can Sonic Suit through to get the Minikit.
Fly over to the next roof where another group of goons are waiting.
Minikit 10/10
Requires: Sonic Suit, Water Suit Story Mode: No
Climb up the ladder and use the Sonic Suit to smash through the glass at the top. Swim down into the water and along the pipe to the left to get the Minikit.
Smash the trash cans against the wall so you can build a couple of levers that will open a hole for you to jump down into. Smash your way out of the room's windows.
Red Brick - More Detonators
Requires: Sonic Suit Story Mode: No
Use the Sonic Suit to smash the window to the left of the room you dropped into.
On the outside assemble the tightrope point to crawl over to where you see Catwoman run out of a building. Smash through the windows and follow her.
Hit her a couple of times until she jumps away up to the second level, while she's up there smash all the barrels and bins to get the parts to build a ladder up to her. She'll jump down occasionally while you're doing this so just keep hitting her when she does.
After four hearts she'll jump up a layer further, this time you just need to grapple up to her. After a few more hearts she'll start to jump around the whole area, follow her around and hit her when you can get close enough. Defeating her will of course finish the chapter.
Cost | Character | |
4,000 | Fishmonger | |
3,000 | Penguin Goon | |
5,000 | Penguin Henchman |
Chapter 2. Batboat Battle
Story Mode | Free Play |
19,000 | 29,000 |
And now for a boat vehicle level. Your first task is to head to the right, grab onto the mine with the Batboat's cable and drag it into the barrier to blow it up. Swing around as you get close and you should manage to get the bomb to brush against the barrier.
Minikit 1/10
Requires: Tow Cable Story Mode: Yes
Use the tow cable to pull on the bottom of the lighthouse at the start, once you do it'll light up and a Minikit will popup out of the large boat to the right. To get it you just have to zoom over the ramp.
Minikit 2/10
Requires: Torpedo, Tow Cable Story Mode: Yes
Use Robin's Watercraft to blow up the red and green sections near the first barrier. That will drop a Silver LEGO chest into the water that you can blow up using one of the mines.
Minikit 3/10
Requires: Submarine, Torpedo Story Mode: No
Just past the barrier you'll see a couple of green, red, and yellow objects just beneath the surface of the water. Dive down and bump into the yellow flaps against the wall to turn the circular lights above them green. Once both are raised up torpedo them and then the larger boat that gets dropped down. After it sinks wait a moment and the Minikit will appear.
Past the barrier you can either take a run up the big ramp to jump over the fence or you can drag a mine from the starting area to blow up the Silver LEGO fence.
Minikit 4/10
Requires: Tow Cable Story Mode: Yes
Use the tow cable on the pipe cover to the right of the level's third Silver LEGO barrier.
Minikit 5/10 - Part 1/3
Requires: Torpedo Story Mode: Yes
Just to the left of the level's third Silver LEGO barrier is a green, red, and yellow buoy that Robin can torpedo. You'll need to find another couple of them in the rest of the level before you get the Minikit.
Have Robin torpedo the green barrier on the right side to get easy access to a new mine you'll want to use to blow up the Silver LEGO barrier blocking your path.
Minikit 5/10 - Part 2/3
Requires: Torpedo Story Mode: Yes
Immediately at the start of the second area is another buoy to torpedo.
Defeat the enemy submarines and you'll see some more come in through a gate they open up.
Minikit 6/10
Requires: Tow Cable, Hazard Protection Story Mode: No
Very carefully drag a mine so that it blows up the Silver LEGO crate floating in the middle of the toxic waste puddle, you'll need to have a good aim and use some momentum to blow it up. Once it explodes you can then use a vehicle with hazard protection to grab the Minikit.
Minikit 7/10
Requires: Submarine Story Mode: No
At the back of the start of the second area is a fenced off section with a Minikit, next to it is a large yellow sign that very kindly tells you to use a submarine to get in.
Head to the right through the opened gate. The Silver LEGO barrier here is optional, it just has a few studs behind it. Keep following the path down and then to the right where you'll emerge into a large open area. The Batboat's guns won't do anything to the penguins that are dropping bombs in this area but you can blow them up with Robin's torpedoes.
Minikit 8/10
Requires: Tow Cable Story Mode: Yes
At the entrance to this area is a pipe surrounded by a circular Silver LEGO fence, drag a nearby mine into it to blow it up.
The task in this area is to hit four large buttons to open the exit. The first is in the top left corner, use Robin's torpedo to blow up the blockage in front of it and then hit the button on the wall at the back.
Minikit 5/10 - Part 3/3
Requires: Torpedo Story Mode: Yes
The final buoy is between the Robin torpedo blockage blocked button and the Silver LEGO barrier blocked button.
A little to the right is a Silver LEGO barrier, blow that up with a mine to hit the second button behind it. Button three is just on the right corner of the area, nothing blocking it. And the fourth button is next to the gate also with nothing blocking it.
Minikit 9/10
Requires: Penguin Torpedo, Submarine Story Mode: No
Using Penguin's Submarine gather up some penguin torpedoes from the purple dispenser in the far right corner and use them to blow up the purple barrier at the back.
There's a Minikit surrounded by ice, dive underwater and pop back up to grab it.
Red Brick - Armour Plating
Requires: Penguin Torpedo, Submarine Story Mode: No
Dive under the wooden barrier on the right side to get to a row of four targets. Hit all four to get the Red Brick.
Minikit 10/10
Requires: Penguin Torpedo, Tow Cable, Hazard Protection Story Mode: No
Down the left side are some Silver LEGO crates floating in some toxic waste, bring a mine from the boss fight and throw it at them. Once you've blown them up use a vehicle with hazard protection to go onto to toxic waste to grab the Minikit.
Time for a boss fight. Drag a mine into the left side of the large submarine where you'll see a yellow target appear. Then drag a mine into the right side of it in a similar fashion. Then swing one into its back and finally its front. It should now be down to two hearts, you get those simply by shooting it a lot. The chapter is complete as soon as you sink it.
Cost | Character | |
15,000 | Penguin Goon Submarine | |
16,000 | Harbour Helicopter | |
30,000 | Robin's Submarine |
Chapter 3. Under the City
Story Mode | Free Play |
59,000 | 122,000 |
As usual you'll start out with a few enemies attacking you, once you've got rid of them go over to the glowing spot and smash the crate and the circular grill behind it. From that you'll be able to build a Magnet Suit Swapper for Robin to wear and walk up the metal wall just to the left behind the large barrels.
Pull the lever up top to let down the ladder so that Batman can equip his Demolition Suit. Use it to blow up the Silver LEGO gate to the right.
Red Brick - Sonic Pain
Requires: Technology Suit Story Mode: No
Next to the Silver LEGO gate is a Tech Panel, use it to sail the little boat into the three markers on the water and the Red Brick will be dropped.
Pass through the score multiplier room to another room where there's another load of goons waiting to ambush you. Use your batarangs to hit the ones up top.
Smash the crates against the fence at the far end to get the bricks to build a spinner switch. Spinning it will raise up the red circle on the right so that Robin can reach his brand new Water Suit.
Minikit 1/10
Requires: Glide Suit, Hypnosis, Hazard Protection + Strength Story Mode: No
Glide from the Water Suit Swapper to the right and then hypnotise the guard to open the door. Walk through the toxic waste to smash the cage containing the Minikit using strength.
Hostage 6/25
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
Being held on the floor just past the Water Suit Swapper.
Back down the left end and grapple up onto the higher section.
Minikit 2/10
Requires: High Jump Story Mode: No
High Jump to grab the handhold just below the Minikit above the circular pool.
Have Robin dive into the circular pool up here and walk to the right past a Silver LEGO door. At the other end jump out of the water and build a plunger. Jump on it a few times to almost completely drain the water. Now Batman can blow up the Silver LEGO door.
Minikit 3/10
Requires: Strength, Sonic Suit Story Mode: No
Use strength to pull the dumpster out of the way so that you can enter the room behind it and Sonic the glass.
Jump on the pipes sticking a very short distance out of the wall to get on top of the corrugated metal roof where a few enemies will drop in on you. After defeating them blow up the Silver LEGO bars at the back to build a grapple point.
Minikit 4/10
Requires: High Jump Story Mode: No
High jump to the handhold above Robin's Suit Swapper and make your way around the corner to the Minikit. Watch out as the path is narrow and isn't actually flush against the wall.
Put on the Glide Suit and the Magnet Suit and jump down to the right, up a pipe sticking out of the wall and then across the gap to the right to where some crocodiles will attack.
Minikit 5/10
Requires: Attract Suit Story Mode: No
Jump up the handholds and fill the Attracto Canister with all the red, green, and yellow bricks from the area. That will build a little boat. Get in and drive it off the edge into the water below then hit each of the five markers in quick succession to get your Minikit.
Smash the objects on the back wall to reveal two red buttons, stand on both of them to pop out a bridge back. You'll need to go get Batman's Demolition Suit to progress. Use it to blow up the Silver LEGO manhole cover and jump in.
Minikit 6/10
Requires: Hazard Protection Story Mode: No
Walk across the toxic waste and pull the lever to raise a ladder.
Follow the sewer to the right down a slope. At the bottom smash the crate to reveal some parts to complete the gears on the slope's side. Go to the right and do the same to the other slope. Use your batarang to hit the two orange wheels on the pipes at the back in order to fill the pool. Now you can use the brown platform to reach the back where you can build a lever that'll turn the steps on for the slopes.
Minikit 7/10
Requires: Strength Story Mode: No
At the top of the slope smash the barrels and build a toilet. Use strength to push it backwards so you can use it to reach the Minikit above.
Go up the stairs at the top of the ramp and smash the objects to build a lever. Pulling it will knock a crate over. Swim across the water and build a metal wall for Robin to walk up so he can get back into the Water Suit if you're not in it already.
Minikit 8/10
Requires: Magnet Suit, Demolition Suit Story Mode: No
Plant a bomb on the scissor lift and then step on the plunger to its right. When the bomb is at the top detonate it to blow up the Silver LEGO cover underneath the Minikit. Now you can step onto the scissor lift and your partner should automatically lift you up so you can grab it.
Pulling the lever in the tank below the Water Suit Swapper will fill up the tank on the right.
Minikit 9/10
Requires: Water Suit Story Mode: Yes
Underneath the third platform in the tank you just filled.
Use the floating platforms to cross the tank.
Minikit 10/10
Requires: Electric Buzzer Story Mode: No
Smash the barrels next to the raised blue looking platform to get some gears required to fix the lift. And then user The Joker's electric buzzer to power the generator to get the yellow section moving.
Climb up the ladder to reach the boss fight. A fairly straight-forward boss fight at that. Punch Killer Croc a few times and he'll run off to the toxic waste at the far end and start throwing objects at you. Avoid them and he'll run back so you can punch him a few more times. Repeat this until the level's over.
Cost | Character | |
- | Robin (Water Suit) |
Chapter 4. Zoo's Company
Story Mode | Free Play |
58,000 | 85,000 |
Break the shutters on the building to the right of the Zoo entrance to find an enemy and the parts to build a Glide Suit Swapper for Batman to put on.
Minikit 1/10
Requires: Strength, Hazard Protection, High Jump Story Mode: No
Use a strong character to open the door on the right side of the starting area. Inside cross over the toxic waste and assemble the LEGO on the other side. It'll form a platform from which you can high jump to the Minikit in the air above.
Smash your way into the shop on the left, a few enemies will run out and attack you as you do so. Once inside a few more will attack while you get the Magnet Suit for Robin.
Minikit 2/10
Requires: Attract Suit Story Mode: No
Fill the Attracto Canister with all the red, green, and yellow bits of LEGO from around the starting area.
Minikit 3/10
Requires: High Jump, Explosives Story Mode: No
Blow up the Silver LEGO on the ledge above the Attracto Canister, use the vending machine to high jump up there.
Minikit 4/10
Requires: Seduction Story Mode: No
As you go back outside to the right you'll be next to a seduction point. Inside there is some Silver LEGO to blow up and reassemble into a two person boat. Sail it around the lake hitting each of the markers. Get them all down at the same time and the Minikit will appear on the central island.
After heading out the right side you'll find a thin metal wall for Robin to walk up to get up onto the front of the building you were just inside. Smash the windows to get the parts to a grapple so that Batman can join you up here.
Glide over to the ledge on the building to the right of the entrance and jump off the far end into an area behind a gate. Assemble the LEGO there into a bulldozer to smash through the gate. Defeat the load of enemies that have appeared and then smash your way through the Zoo entrance.
Minikit 5/10
Requires: Plant Growth Story Mode: No
Behind the tiki at the start of the zoo are some benches and a sign, smash them to form a bird statue. Use Poison Ivy's plant growth ability on the flower pot to grow a plant so you can reach the Minikit.
Red Brick - Area Effect
Requires: High Jump, Explosives Story Mode: No
High jump up the broken steps between the two lion sections and blow up the Silver LEGO circle at the top. Build yourself a Red Brick.
Minikit 6/10
Requires: Explosives, Glide Story Mode: No
Blow up the Silver LEGO gate to get into the lion encolosure (which is a Score Multiplier area). Jump and Glide over the water to where the lions are and then blow up the Silver LEGO to get the Minikit.
Smash through the gate to the right.
Minikit 7/10
Requires: Explosives or Bulldozer Story Mode: Yes
Blow up the Silver LEGO gate to the elephants and get on the elephant in the back right corner who is standing on the Minikit.
Approach the building with sonic glass windows. The bench to the left of it will smash so you can put the Technology Suit on Robin. To the right of the building smash the foodcart to build a Tech Panel. It won't be usable just yet, instead have Batman jump and glide over the broken bridge to your right.
Smash the objects to the south on the other side of the bridge to build a spinner that will extend the bridge. Then smash the foodcart over near the covered lever so that you can build a turtle out of the parts. Now you can use the Tech Panel, go back to it to move the turtle into the building (you might need to smash the little vents beneath the windows first). Have it stand on the red button to open the door.
Put on the Sonic Suit and use it to blow open the casing on the lever across the bridge.
Defeat all the enemies as you get onto the large boat. Once you've cleared them out smash everything and build a bouncy, extending plank. Use it to bounce onto the lilypads.
Minikit 8/10
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
Bounce to the right and towards the screen to bounce on the lilypad south of the boat. The Minikit will appear.
Minikit 9/10
Requires: Freeze Ray Story Mode: No
From the first lilypad go towards the waterfall and freeze the bottom of it. Use that last lilypad to get up onto the frozen block and from there onto a ledge behind the waterfall where you can grab the Minikit.
Bounce your way across to the other side of the lake where you can smash some cages to get the parts to build a Demolition Suit Swapper for Batman.
Minikit 10/10
Requires: Strength Story Mode: No
Also from those parts build a ladder to get up to some strength handles on a little statue. Throwing it out of the way will reveal the Minikit.
Return to the boat and use the Demolition Suit to blow up the Silver LEGO floor so you can drop through it.
Boss fight with Man-Bat. Hit him three times and he'll run away. Assemble the object in the middle, you'll need to smash a couple of things to finish it off. Once the speaker and the spinner are in place push the spinner to knock Man-Bat out of the air when he passes by. While he's stunned hit him a couple of times.
He'll blow up the gramophone but you can rebuild it. Push the spinner to knock him down again and hit him some more. Repeat one more time to finish the level.
Cost | Character | |
12,500 | Zoo Sweeper |
Chapter 5. Penguin's Lair
Story Mode | Free Play |
26,000 | 38,000 |
We begin being attacked by some parka wearing goons and a few penguins.
Minikit 1/10 - Part 1/3
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
Smash the trees on the left side to find some seeds, plant those to grow a carrot.
Smash the objects next to the broken bridge to build yourself a ladder up to the Glide Suit Swapper which you should then use to glide over the water to the other side of the bridge.
Minikit 2/10
Requires: Sonic Suit, Swimming Story Mode: No
Under some frozen water at the start, use the Sonic Suit a few times to smash the ice and then use the Water Suit to get the Minikit.
Minikit 3/10
Requires: Freeze Ray, Explosives Story Mode: No
Behind a Silver LEGO panel in the water to the right of the start, freeze a platform so you can plant a bomb.
There's a few more enemies over there, after you've cleared them out smash the trees next to the pump so you can fix it and pump up a boat for Robin to get up. Next smash the icicles on the edge of the roof and build a heater out of the bricks that fall out.
Minikit 4/10
Requires: High Jump Story Mode: No
High Jump off the top of the heater onto the handholds on the cliffside to the left. Jump up to the next one and then off onto the roof on the right to get the Minikit as you slide down it.
Minikit 1/10 - Part 2/3
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
Smash the trees next to the second broken bridge and plant the seeds that appear to grow the second carrot.
Put on Robin's Water Suit and jump into the water to the right, you should just about be able to see a lever underwater against the back wall that you can pull to raise up some platforms.
Hostage 8/25
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
Just being held by a few enemies on the other side of the level's second bridge. Not hidden at all.
Minikit 1/10 - Part 3/3
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
Smash the trees to the right of the hostage and plant the seeds to grow the final carrot.
Minikit 5/10
Requires: Grapple, Glide Story Mode: Yes
Smash the trees next to the cave entrance to find a grapple point. From the grapple point glide down to the left.
Go inside the cave to face The Penguin and Catwoman.
Minikit 6/10
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
Go towards the screen and jump into the water, the Minikit is on an island in it.
Minikit 7/10
Requires: Ranged Explosives, Hazard Protection Story Mode: No
To the left of the entrance to the boss fight room is some toxic waste, use The Penguin's remote detonating penguins to blow up the Silver LEGO covering the Minikit as Batman's Demolition Suit can't get close enough. Then use a character with Hazard Protection to get it.
Minikit 8/10
Requires: High Jump Story Mode: No
Just high jump to it on the right side of the boss fight area.
Minikit 9/10
Requires: Sonic Suit, Heat Protection Suit Story Mode: No
Sonic Suit the icy slope on the right side of the arena to find a cave you can go into. Smash the shelves at the back and then put on the Heat Protection Suit to build the Minikit out of the hot red LEGO bricks.
Red Brick - Bats
Requires: Sonic Suit, Grapple Story Mode: No
In the same cave as the previous Minikit grapple up and jump to a blue handhold on a purple surface. This will make some penguins appear on the treadmills below except for on one of them. You'll have to run on that treadmill yourself until the three red lights turn green. Then go and stand on the circle at the end of the pipes to reveal the Red Brick.
Hit Catwoman a few times until she retreats back up to Penguin, then use a batarang to hit the two yellow and orange turbines behind them. This will cause the Penguin to start placing explosive penguins, the idea now is to redirect them with the panel in the middle of the room so that they blow up each of the four electric generators on the floor. You push on the green paddles so that when the penguin hits it it'll be redirected as near to each generator as you can.
After each explosion you'll want to hit Catwoman a few times again to get her out of the way and then batarang the turbines again. Keep going redirecting penguins and such until all four generators are gone.
Minikit 10/10
Requires: Batarang Story Mode: Yes
After you smash each generator the three lights above where it was will turn red. If you use your batarang you can smash those lights when they're red, smash all four to get the Minikit.
After a couple of hearts of punch damage the Penguin will start to float around the room using his umbrella. Hit him with a batarang to bring him back down so you can do a couple more hearts of damage. Repeat until you finish him off and complete the Episode.
Cost | Character | |
40,000 | Man-Bat | |
9,000 | Yeti | |
30,000 | Penguin Minion |
You've also unlocked the Villain vesion of this episode, head to Arkham Asylum to unlock villains like Penguin and Catwoman.
Next up in the walkthrough is Hero Episode 3: The Joker's Return.