Please be aware that this page is based on the original PlayStation 2 version of LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, there are some small differences compared to LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga.
Bounty Hunter Missions
There are ten Gold Bricks to earn by completing Jabba's Bounty Hunter Missions, a set of missions that you can only unlock once you have unlocked and bought all six Bounty Hunters: Greedo (E4, C3), Boba Fett (E6, C2), IG-88 (E4 + E5 + E6), Bossk (E6, C1), Dengar (E6, C1), and 4-LOM (E6, C2).
Jabba's missions take place in a small section of a regular level where your task is to find the target who is hiding somewhere in that level.
Mission 1: R2-D2

This one takes place in Episode IV's Chapter 1 Negotiations. R2-D2 can be found hiding in the Bounty Hunter area behind the doorway that you would usually build to find a Minikit.
Mission 2: Obi-Wan Kenobi

The mission to find Obi-Wan takes place in the Sandcrawler of Episode IV Chapter 2. You'll find him at the very end of the Sandcrawler to the right of where you'd usually use the Force to get out. Use IG-88 or 4-LOM to open any droid panels that get in your way.
Mission 3: Chewbacca

Finding Chewbacca will require exploring the area of Mos Eisley after the cantina in Chapter 3 of Episode IV. You can find him behind the wooden doors in the Dewback section.
Mission 4: Princess Leia

Next we're on the Death Star of Episode IV's Chapter 4. Make your way to the place you find Leia in the regular level and then instead open the cell opposite.
Mission 5: Admiral Ackbar

To find Admiral Ackbar we go to the Hoth base in Episode V's Chapter 2. You'll be able to quickly find him in the bacta tank through the Protocol Droid door.
Mission 6: Yoda

You might expect Yoda to be on Dagobah but instead he's on Endor. You start in the starting area but a little further in, Yoda is found right back at the normal start, he's on the platform you hover onto an elevator to normally reach a Minikit.
Mission 7: C-3PO

C-3PO is found on a very calm Cloud City, take the Bounty Hunter elevator where there's two elevators.
Mission 8: Lando Calrissian

Still in Cloud City, you'll find Lando in the room at the end where you pull two levers to lower a bridge to the Millennium Falcon.