Villain Episode 2. Power Crazed Penguin
Chapter 1. Rockin' the Docks
Story Mode | Free Play |
71,000 | 150,000 |
Minikit 1/10 - Part 1/3
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
Smash the red canister lying on the ground to find the first of three carrots.
Use The Penguin's exploding penguin attack to blow up the Silver LEGO gate blocking your path to the right. Down the slope you'll encounter a few police officers who come out of the side of a truck.
Blow up the Silver LEGO garage doors at the back of the area to reveal a broken truck inside. Have Bane drag it out all the way to the end of the chevron markers and then fix it with the LEGO parts that are now jiggling.
Minikit 1/10 - Part 2/3
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
Smash the objects to the right of the garage and build a fan out of them. Use it to get up onto the garage's roof so you can smash the red canister for carrot number two.
Pull the handle on the police truck to throw the trailer out of the way so you can get past.
Hostage 18/25
Requires: Sonic Suit Story Mode: No
Just around the first corner is some glass you can smash with the Sonic Suit to rescue the hostage being held inside.
Minikit 2/10
Requires: Sonic Suit, High Jump Story Mode: No
High Jump to reach the handholds inside the hostage room.
Use the truck to smash through the fence behind a few police officers and reach a large open space. Pull on the orange handle at the back in the left corner and then park the truck on the rectangle.
Minikit 1/10 - Part 3/3
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
You can jump out of the truck to land on the shipping container next to the rectangle and smash the final red canister.
Minikit 3/10
Requires: Strength Story Mode: Yes
Bring the front of the police truck over here as well and park it on the Silver LEGO covered rectangle in the right corner. That will open the red shipping container which contains the Minikit.
Minikit 4/10
Requires: Strength Story Mode: Yes
Head to the right from the truck parking spots to head out onto the docks. Jump over the gap to a floating platform with a few enemies on and then use strength on the orange handle in the boat.
Head inside and smash the crates in the back corner to build a fan. Have Penguin go up and glide over the gap so that he can hit the red and white wires and knock down a ladder so that Bane can join him. Throw the dumpster out of the way and then jump over the next gap.
Minikit 5/10
Requires: Plant Growth Story Mode: No
Use Poison Ivy's plant growth ability on the pot at the back after the dumpster to grow a plant ladder you can climb to reach the ledge at the top.
There's another ladder you can drop, this one's just for getting back up if you fall. Keep going to the right and jump down.
Minikit 6/10 - Part 1+2/5
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
Along the waterfront here are two small cannons that you can hit so that they blow bubbles.
Red Brick - Stud Magnet
Requires: Seduction, Exploding Penguins Story Mode: No
Seduce the guard at the back and head inside. Smash a crate near the far end to build a spinner switch and then blow up the Silver LEGO canisters to open up the penguin hatch. Turning the spinner will rotate a panel at the back, you need to move it slightly so that it is in the south west position.
Send an exploding penguin through the hatch and it should bounce off several panels all the way to the Silver LEGO crate which contains the Red Brick.
Have Bane walk through the toxic waste to the right and use strength on the manhole cover to drain all the goo away. Further to the right you'll find a large ship docked, defeat the sailors next to it then blow up the Silver LEGO behind them. You'll get the parts to build an orange handle so that Bane can move the large ship.
Minikit 6/10 - Part 3+4+5/5
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
And the remaining three water cannons are found along the waterfront after the ship.
Blow up the Silver LEGO gate as well as all the crates inside and have Bane pull on all the orange handles too until the door at the back is revealed for you to go through.
To the right of the entrance, after defeating all the sailors, is a toxic waste puddle with a lever in it. Use Bane to pull it, activating the first half of the lift.
Minikit 7/10
Requires: Electric Buzzer, Technology Suit Story Mode: No
Along the right wall is an electric generator you can power. Then use the Technology Suit to take control of one of the three ships and sail it between the pairs of barrels. It's not a race, it doesn't matter if the other two beat you to the end.
Go left past the elevator and near the edge you'll find a lever next to a magnet. Pull it to get a crate delivered then smash that crate and its contents in order to get the parts to fix the wire at the back.
Minikit 8/10
Requires: Seduction, Attract Suit Story Mode: No
Seduce the guard at the door behind the lever to get into a bar. Smash everything in here to get the pieces to fill the Attracto Canister in the far corner. Smash the jukebox that gets build to get the Minikit.
Glide over the water to the left and pull the lever on the wall.
Minikit 9/10
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
Jump into the water beneath the lilypads next to the lever.
Ride the elevator up.
Minikit 10/10
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
Go to the left after riding the elevator and walk along the very thin platform along which the magnet moved earlier. At the end of it is the level's last Minikit.
Send one of Penguin's penguins through the little gap to the right of the top of the elevator to knock the crate off its Silver LEGO chain. Defeat the SWAT that appear and then assemble the object to finish the level.
Cost | Character | |
- | Bane | |
- | The Penguin | |
5,000 | Sailor |
Chapter 2. Stealing the Show
Story Mode | Free Play |
63,000 | 127,000 |
Ride the fan up to the upper section and then jump up to build the first half of a tightrope.
Hostage 19/25
Requires: Strength, Magnet Suit Story Mode: No
Use strength on the crate at the back and then build a metal wall to Magnet walk up. At the top go to the left and smash through the boarded up windows to find the hostage.
Minikit 1/10
Requires: Strength, Magnet Suit Story Mode: No
On the left in the same room as the hostage.
Have the Penguin glide over the gap and build the second half of the tightrope so that Catwoman can follow.
Minikit 2/10 - Part 1/3
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
Smash the orange billboard next to the tightrope, it's the first of three in the level.
Minikit 3/10
Requires: Plant Growth Story Mode: No
Grow a couple of plants to get up on top of the wall fans.
Rather than walking in front of the fans on the wall you should have Penguin jump down where there's a ladder and then glide across the gap to the right. Once he's over there he can pull the lever to turn the fans off.
Have Catwoman seduce the guard to open the brown door after the fans. Sticking with Catwoman high jump up after the police to a few more police and some crates next to a checkered path. Assemble the object from the crates and push it down to the Penguin. Fix the fan and ride it up.
The Penguin can then blow up the Silver LEGO at the back and ride the assembled lift up to the helipad above.
Time to fight a Police Helicopter! To do so you just stand on the red button next to where it drops the blue flares as it will send the flares back up so the bomb it then drops will also go back up and blow itself up. Repeat that a few times to get rid of all three hearts.
After defeating a few more SWAT build a ladder out of the remains of the helicopter and climb up it.
Minikit 4/10
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
Behind the curved glass roof after the helicopter battle.
Jump down towards the screen and go stand on a pair of white and blue plungers. They'll start up the fan nearby for you to use.
Minikit 5/10
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
If you jump towards the screen at the plungers you can find another Minikit just off the edge below along with some bricks to build a ladder.
Minikit 2/10 - Part 2/3
Requires: Ranged Story Mode: Yes
Shoot the orange billboard to the right of the fan.
Have Catwoman high jump onto the next roof and defeat a few police before smashing the crates and building a spinner switch to help the Penguin get all the way up.
Minikit 2/10 - Part 3/3
Requires: Ranged Story Mode: Yes
Shoot the orange billboard to the right of the fan and then high jump to grab it (or jump from the upper level).
Jump towards the screen where you can see a ladder and smash through the boarded up window. Inside is a lever which will rotate the fan above so you can use it to get up to the upper layer.
Minikit 6/10
Requires: Magnet Suit Story Mode: No
To the left of the statue and the levers is a metal path that Robin can Magnet Suit walk up.
Pull both levers at the same time to lower the checkered path into place so you can push the statue off the edge and fall into the museum.
Minikit 7/10
Requires: Strength Story Mode: No
To the left as you enter the museum is a laser fence. Use strength to push the nearby blue and brown booth into the lasers so they explode. Smash through the door on the other side and pull another booth out, shove that into the second set of lasers and then use it to jump over the third smaller set.
The lever will shut off the lasers and a Sonic Suit will smash the case holding the Minikit.
To the right have Catwoman high jump to the handholds on the wall and shimmy over the first laser fence then smash the junction box on the other side to shut it off.
Use the Penguin's remote bombs to go through the hatch to the right in order to blow up a Silver LEGO object and open the doors. Inside that room pull the lever on the left to shut down the lasers that were blocking the large dinosaur skeletons near the start. Go back there and start riding one, they can smash through the large crates!
Minikit 8/10
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
Smash through the crates to the right in the room with the dinosaur skeletons.
Red Brick - Character Studs
Requires: Attract Suit, Technology Suit Story Mode: No
Fill up the Attracto Canister on the right side of the room you opened with an exploding penguin. Use the Tech Panel to control the helicopter and have it land on the two orange H buttons on the other side of the glass. Now use one of the two dinosaur skeletons to launch yourself over the glass so you can blow up the container holding the Red Brick.
Smash through the wall of large crates to the right and then smash a cabinet next to the stairs so you can get to the handholds on the wall behind it.
Minikit 9/10
Requires: Strength, High Jump Story Mode: No
Upstairs shove a statue out of the way with strength and high jump onto the ladder above. Run along the roof of the museum to the left to find the Minikit.
Minikit 10/10
Requires: Sonic Suit Story Mode: No
Sonic Suit the glass cabinets at the back and build a catapult out of the bricks. Fling it at the cage to free the Minikit.
Head to the left defeating any guards you encounter until you reach a laser fence. To get past this you just smash the cabinet to build a spinner switch and then rotate that to move the little cart along its track until it blocks a bit of the lasers.
Your partner should run through and stand on a button to fully switch the lasers off so that you can continue turning the spinner until it reaches the end of its track. Go under the lasers and then high jump over the short set afterwards, smash the object on the wall to shut them all down.
To the left of the glass room with the lasers inside you'll need to have Catwoman high jump up to a ladder and then punch the frame on the wall so that you can complete the ladder for Penguin to climb up. Smash the second frame to reveal a lever that will raise the first panel in the glass room below.
Glide over to the right to pull the second lever and complete the glass room's set of panels. Now you can simply send a remote penguin in through the hatch to finish the level.
Cost | Character | |
- | Catwoman | |
67,000 | Catwoman (Classic) | |
23,000 | Catwoman's Motorcycle |
Chapter 3. Harbouring a Grudge
Story Mode | Free Play |
31,000 | 37,000 |
Minikit 1/10 - Part 1/3
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
There's an orange oil rig kinda looking thing in the corner to the left at the start, it's the first of three you need to find and blow up.
Use Penguin's Submarine to pick up the penguin torpedoes from the purple dispenser at the start of the level. You'll need to use one of them to blow up the Silver turret blocking your path to the right.
Minikit 1/10 - Part 2/3
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
The second orange platform thing is in the corner to the right.
Minikit 2/10
Requires: Torpedo Story Mode: Yes
Use a penguin torpedo to blow up the barrel of toxic waste in the puddle of toxic waste just outside of where you start.
Minikit 1/10 - Part 3/3
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
And the third orange platform is on the corner before you get to the police boats.
Minikit 3/10
Requires: Tow Cable Story Mode: No
Using a tow cable pull the mine from over near the searchlight and drag it over to the Silver LEGO that's blocking up a wall to the right of the area. Bomb both sides and it'll lower to let you through to grab the Minikit.
Go to the left and take out the police boats the game showed you, try to avoid driving into the spotlight as you fire a penguin torpedo at the blockage behind them.
Minikit 4/10 - Part 1/5
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
Just to the right as you enter the next area is a small buoy with a green flashing light on top, shoot it as the first of five.
In the next area shoot the police boats and use penguin torpedoes to blow up the three barrels of toxic waste on the right to clear it all up. You can get some more torpedoes by diving under the barrier at the back, pushing the button on the wall to lower the barrier, then using the Swamp Rider to go over the toxic waste and press the second button.
Minikit 5/10
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
In the corner to the right of the penguin torpedo dispenser, smash all the docked boats to find it.
Minikit 6/10
Requires: Small Boat Story Mode: Yes
Speed up the ramp after the three toxic waste barrels.
Minikit 4/10 - Part 2/5
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
On the corner before a second set of toxic barrels is the second little buoy you can shoot.
After you blow up another couple of toxic barrels you'll turn a corner and see a pair of turrets shooting at you. Blow them up with torpedoes and go through.
Bump into the red button underneath the searchlight as you go past.
Minikit 7/10
Requires: Hazard Protection Story Mode: Yes
Floating in the toxic waste just after the button under the searchlight, shoot the boat to reveal it.
Minikit 4/10 - Part 3/5
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
To the right of the toxic waste puddle after the searchlight.
Minikit 4/10 - Part 4/5
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
At the far right end in front of the second searchlight is the fourth buoy.
Press the second button underneath the second searchlight to finish opening up the area at the back. Go through and defeat a few police boats and blow up a row of three turrets with some penguin torpedoes.
Minikit 4/10 - Part 5/5
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
In the left corner next to the three turrets.
Minikit 8/10
Requires: Tow Cable Story Mode: No
Drag a couple of mines from over by the first searchlight to blow up the two Silver LEGO caps on the right side beneath the orange crane. Shoot the crate that the crane drops to get the Minikit.
Time to face the police hovercraft. Use the Swamp Rider to press the button at the back amidst the toxic waste to open the penguin torpedo dispenser.
Minikit 9/10
Requires: Torpedo, Submarine Story Mode: Yes
Blow up the toxic waste barrels in the back left corner so that you can safely dive under and grab the Minikit.
Minikit 10/10
Requires: Robin Torpedo Story Mode: No
Use one of Robin's torpedoes to blow up the multi-coloured blockage on the right side of the area.
Red Brick - Minikit Detector
Requires: Robin Torpedo, Submarine Story Mode: No
In the same area as the last Minikit simply dive under the barrier in the short tunnel to get the Red Brick.
To defeat the hovercraft you must use penguin torpedoe to blow up the orange panels on its sides. Once a panel is exposed hit it with another torpedo to do damage to the hovercraft. With all three panels smashed there's just one heart left and that is taken by entering the searchlight and luring the rockets into attacking the hovercraft instead of you. Level complete.
Cost | Character | |
- | Killer Croc's Swamp Rider | |
- | Penguin's Submarine | |
12,000 | Police Watercraft | |
13,000 | Police Boat |
Chapter 4. A Daring Rescue
Story Mode | Free Play |
60,000 | 109,000 |
Have Killer Croc walk over the toxic waste at the back and smash the objects there. Rebuild the generator and pull the lever to switch it on. That's one half of the door done.
Minikit 1/10
Requires: Explosives, Hazard Protection Story Mode: Yes
Blow up the Silver LEGO manhole cover to the left of the start and drop down into it. To the right past some toxic waste is your Minikit.
Killer Croc can pull on the orange handle to the left then Penguin can float over the water to the other side. Pull the lever to complete opening the door.
Hostage 20/25
Requires: Electric Buzzer Story Mode: No
Use the Joker's electric buzzer to power the generator in the room with the pipes and go through to where the hostage is being held.
Minikit 2/10
Requires: Electric Buzzer Story Mode: No
In the same room as the hostage smash all the objects and build a band. Listen to it play for a little while and the Minikit will appear.
Jump into the yellow pipe and you'll pop out up on the ledge to the right out of the other yellow pipe. Build the first half of a tightrope before floating across to the other side to build the second half of it. Go through the green pipe.
Minikit 3/10
Requires: Heat Protection Suit Story Mode: No
Using the Heat Protection Suit go under the flaming pipe and through to a room with a large square checkered path. Push the object to the right corner and rotate the spinner switch as far as you can. Jump into the stream of water coming from the object to get the Minikit in the air above it.
Smash the wall next to the exit from the green pipe and jump into the red pipe that it reveals. At the end of the path use Killer Croc's superstrength to pull on the handles to throw the door out of the way.
Drop down the ladder and smash all the items down here including the bars on the left. All of those pieces add up to a large crocodile that you can ride to smash through the barrier blocking your way.
Minikit 4/10
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
There are five green television sets to smash in the section where you can ride the crocodile.
Minikit 5/10
Requires: Sonic Suit Story Mode: No
At the end of the crocodile's area go up the stairs at the back and Sonic Suit through the door. Pull the lever to turn the green slope on the right into a set of stairs that you can climb to reach a room with the Minikit in.
Hop off the crocodile at the end of the water and walk through the blue door on the right.
Pull the orange handle to reveal a remote penguin hatch but before you bother sending anything through it dive down into the water underneath the large manhole cover, swim up and climb the ladder then jump over to the left and pull the orange handle covering the exit to the penguin hatch. Now you can send a remote penguin through to blow up the Silver LEGO and then build a fan to blow you up to a ladder above.
Minikit 6/10
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
In the row of five toilet cubicles smash through the left one to find the Minikit.
Red Brick - Power Brick Detector
Requires: Sonic Suit, Strength, Grapple, Glide, Technology Suit Story Mode: No
Use the Sonic Suit to smash the water fountain and build a cannon out of the parts from it and the toilet behind. Go through the mirrors to another room.
Pull the blue canisters across the room and then grapple up to the right by the entrance. Glide on top of the blue canisters then jump over to a Tech Panel. Use it to extend the yellow scissor lift so you can glide over to the Red Brick.
Exit to the right through the red door then smash through a panel on the right side of the next room to reveal an orange handle. Pull that safe all the way out so that you can use it to hop over the bars and stand on the blue and white plunger to lower them and open the way forwards.
Minikit 7/10
Requires: Hypnosis, Freeze Ray Story Mode: No
Hypnotise the guard in the area behind the bars to get through into a police car garage. Get to work fixing the two vehicles in the room, the van has some stuff up on the ledge to its right as well as the stuff on the ground. Park them in their respective parking spots. The third one is found by freezing the puddle of water near the entrance.
Minikit 8/10
Requires: Attract Suit Story Mode: No
Fill up the Attracto Canister to directly build a Minikit.
Defeat a few police in the cell block room.
Minikit 9/10
Requires: Magnet Suit Story Mode: No
Magnet walk up the wall to the left of the entrance to reach the Minikit in the case above.
Pull open the third prison cell to get the parts to build a fan that can be used to reach the upper layer. Then defeat one more guard and blow up the Silver LEGO door blocking the elevator. Stand on both buttons to ride it.
Defeat all the police, including a couple of waves of SWAT.
Minikit 10/10
Requires: Strength Story Mode: Yes
Go to the right and pull a strength handle to get to the Minikit in the cell.
Go up the steps on the left side of the room and climb up the ladder so you can glide over to the lever. Pulling the lever will drop the parts to build a rolling bomb that you can push off the checkered path to free Catwoman and finish the level.
Cost | Character | |
- | Killer Croc |
Chapter 5. Arctic World
Story Mode | Free Play |
42,000 | 147,000 |
Hostage 21/25
Requires: Hazard Protection Story Mode: No
To the left at the start jump into the water and swim through the toxic waste. The hostage is up on the land the other side next to the Attracto Canister.
Red Brick - Always Score Multiply
Requires: Hazard Protection, Attract Suit Story Mode: No
Fill up the Attracto Canister with the loose LEGO from around the area. Then use the hook to place the red and blue fish in their respective buckets. Once all five red fish are sorted you'll get your Red Brick.
Minikit 1/10
Requires: Swimming Story Mode: No
To the right of the start is a building with a Minikit inside. To open the blue door you need to step on the cracked ice to the right of the building and then swim down to pull the lever under the water.
Follow the path to the rgith until you get to a large mass of ice, have Catwoman high jump up the ice and smash a couple of benches to build a ladder for Penguin to climb up.
Minikit 2/10
Requires: Magnet Suit, Electric Buzzer, Grapple Story Mode: No
Magnet walk up the metal wall to the right of the steps and then use strength to open the panel. Power the generator and then finally grapple up to the newly lit up Penguin sign to get the Minikit.
Go the the right and have Penguin glide over the gap next to the second ladder, you'll reach a pair of white platforms that collapse when you stand on them. Those fallen platforms will help Catwoman join you over here.
Minikit 3/10
Requires: Sonic Suit Story Mode: No
Use the Sonic Suit to smash the glass covering the Minikit in the wall next to the collapsing white platforms.
Jump down and defeat a few guards, then have Catwoman jump up the ledge at the end to where there's a ball frozen in some ice on some checkered tiles. Push it off the edge and then repeat for the ice block on the ledge above as well.
Have Penguin jump up at the righthand end and then glide on top of the fan to the left. Catwoman will then be able to pull the lever to get it going and send Penguin up to send one of his remote penguins through the hatch in order to dislodge the third ice block.
Use a penguin to blow up the Silver LEGO bomb that you knocked off earlier to get all the LEGO pieces jiggling so that you can assemble a snow plough.
Minikit 4/10
Requires: Explosives, Strength, Seduction, Grapple Story Mode: No
Jump up the right end and blow up the Silver LEGO so that you can build a handle to pull the bars off the guard post. Seduce the guard and he'll switch the ski lift on. Grapple onto it to get to the top then slide down through the slalom gates to get the Minikit.
Use the plough to smash the ice blocks next to the red pump so you can rebuild it. Jump on the green circle a few times and a bridge will be unfurled so that you can continue to the left in the snow plough. Smash through the large block of ice you previously used to jump up and park the plough on the black and yellow rectangle.
Fix the lever and pull it to lift the plough up to the top of the ladders. Finally smash through the ice at the top of the steps to open the door.
Minikit 5/10
Requires: Sonic Suit Story Mode: No
Go behind the counter on the left side and use the Sonic Suit at the round window to summon the Minikit.
Defeat all the guards and smash through the furniture next to the checkered path. You should find the parts to fix the path and push the object along it. Have Catwoman seduce the guard to open the snowflake door to his right.
Minikit 6/10
Requires: Strength Story Mode: No
Jump over the toxic waste to the right and use superstrength to pull the orange handle out so that it presses on one of the three buttons. Both characters should now stand on the other two to open the Minikit case.
Go through the snowflake door and step onto the white platform, prepare for the slope section!
Minikit 7/10
Requires: None Story Mode: Yes
This one is very easy to miss and have to repeat the entire level to retry. As soon as you start going down the slope move to the right side and go through the yellow gates. As soon as you're through the second one switch to the opposite side of the track to go through the remaining three gates on the other side.
Minikit 8/10
Requires: Explosives Story Mode: Yes
After landing from the slide go to the left and blow up the Silver LEGO to build a bouncy platform and grab the Minikit in the air above.
Minikit 9/10
Requires: Freeze Ray, High Jump, Explosives Story Mode: No
Head over to the right side of the final room and freeze the air on the tiled floor. This will form a double height block which you can push and then high jump onto to pull the lever and lower the Minikit cage so that you can blow it open.
Minikit 10/10
Requires: Swimming Story Mode: No
In the water towards the screen is a Minikit that appears to be frozen inside a large block of ice. To get it you just swim underneath the ice and then up.
Push on the green side of the laser in the middle of the ice to rotate it into powering the two pink generators on the left side. Defeat the SWAT that arrive and keep defeating them until they blow up the second laser. Fix it and rotate it to power the remaining two pink generators.
Have Catwoman high jump up onto the handhold on the right side of the area, grabbing this will turn the nearby white slope into a set of white steps that Penguin can get up. Have him go up and around to the opposite side where he will want to smash the items next to the igloo so that he can complete a tightrope to help Catwoman get up.
Now that both characters are up you can pull the two levers in the middle to finish the episode.
Next up is the game's final episode, Villain Episode 3: The Joker's Return!